Here is the Peony I just bought.

Paeonia Karl Rosenfield
I also am starting my vine collection to add height to my backyard gardens. I bought the Shiro Bana Akebia which has beautiful foliage that rises up, up and up some more with white flowers that smell like chocolate in the spring!

In front of my Amur Maple that doesn't grow much directly from the ground, but on upper branches, I wanted some instant color to look at when I'm in my kitchen, so I picked the Homerun roses that are very disease and mildew resistant. Blooms are incredible red from late spring until fall.

I then was talking to my boss about wanting some beautiful vines (clematis, climbing roses, wisteria, etc.) and he told me to grab the climbing hydrangea that doesn't sell well because it needs to be planted and doesn't show a lot of growth in a pot. The climbing hydrangea takes 3-5 years to really get going, but once it does, watch out!! Covered in hydrangea blossoms with fantastic foliage...and isn't scared of the sun. The best was FREE!! Hey, I can be patient when it's free!

Lastly, I bought a the 'Golden Carousel" barberry that is electric chartreuse during the spring and summer, and then changes to multiple colors in the fall. I fell in love with it last fall, but was afraid to plant that one late. It also will go in the backyard...After looking up pics on line, there just isn't any pictures to do this plant justice.
With weather being rainy off and on today and tomorrow, I probably won't get to planting these until Monday. Which is fine, since it's closer to Mother's Day no frost zone. I told you I was impatient!! Pretty soon I'll invite you all over to see what's been planted. May is always a fun time to stroll around...but I know Brian wants his grass to look better before there is any strolling at all. The boys' high traffic playing football has slowed a lot of the growth, and the dog's urine has not helped any. Thank goodness for a slow spring to help it dig it's roots in.
Next weekend...planting my veggies on Mother's Day with my boys! :)
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